Water damage in your home can be very upsetting to deal with, especially in light of severe flooding and storms. This damage is another problem to deal with on top of the myriad of others your home faces after an extreme storm, like a hurricane. Even if you haven’t had to deal with the effects of hurricane season, sudden malfunctions in your home’s water supply can be just as frustrating. However, you don’t have to hopelessly surrender yourself to being surrounded by water damage. Instead, take advantage of the professional water damage services provided by experts.
5 Professional Water Damage Services
Professional water damage services are the ultimate solution to dealing with the after-effects of storms, leaks, and other problems. Read this blog to explore five of the most important professional water damage services you can seek:
1. Wood Clean-Up And Restoration
Wood is a material that’s very prone to water damage. If your home has wooden floors, walls, or furniture, there is a good chance that they will take on the brunt of said damage. Luckily, one of the main professional water damage services available is wood clean-up and restoration. This service is specifically applicable to wood flooring. This process consists of drying the floors right away, inspecting them for signs of mold and mildew, and using specific tools to sand and replace the floorboards.
2. Plumbing Repairs
If you have a leaky ceiling, it means there’s something amiss with your home’s plumbing system. These issues can range from burst pipes to dripping faucets and clogged toilets and sinks. The good news is that most restoration professionals are equipped to address these plumbing issues with the appropriate repairs.
3. Water And Moisture Removal
Water and moisture removal are basic requirements for professional water damage services. This process is completed using dehumidifiers and fans to reduce and eliminate water and moisture in your home. After the drying process is complete, the professionals can finally begin the restoration process.
4. Water Damage Restoration
The hallmark of professional water damage services is water damage restoration. The process of restoration serves as a permanent solution to repair existing water damage. Once moisture and water are under control, severely damaged parts of your home are removed immediately and replaced as soon as possible. Remember, this procedure is completed after the damage has been inflicted.
5. Mold Remediation
Finally, mold remediation is a key water damage service provided by professionals. Anything with excessive mold will be removed from the premises. Then, the affected areas are sprayed with biocide to eliminate any remaining traces of mold. Once all the mold has been killed, an additional spray will be added to encapsulate or trap the mold spores. If there are no more dank smells or visible signs of mold, the remediation process will have been successfully completed.
Take Advantage Of Our Professional Water Damage Services At ASAP Restoration!
Seeking out professional water damage services is your best shot at addressing problems and the effects of flooding, leaks, mold, and other issues. As you’ve just read, five of these services consist of wood floor clean-up and restoration, plumbing repair, water and moisture removal, water damage restoration, and mold remediation. The sooner you address these damages, the less severe the side effects will be. Neglecting to address these issues can lead to problems such as structural damage and health issues.
When you find yourself faced with these problems, you need a reliable and trustworthy restoration service to take care of all the water damage in your home. If you live in Houston, you can take advantage of our professional water damage services at ASAP Restoration. Contact us today, and we will return your home to its former glory.